Helloo Sunshines! This is my outfit for a beautiful Day in Town or
for a Relaxing One To the River .My main word is this Biker Jacket from HM multifunctional for any occasion as you see.
I choose One of my mothers maxi skirt with my favorite color of Emerald fixings some
Details and Voilà very Stylish ! Short Boots because the Weather is Unstable and for an unexpected plan like Going to the river
Pershendetje Rreze Dielli!
Kjo eshte Veshja qe une kam zgjedhur per nje dite te bukur ne qytet
Ose per nje dite relaksuese afer Nje Lumi .
Fjala Kryesore eshte Xhaketa e lekures te cilen e kam blere tek HM
Shume funksionale qe e perdor ne cdo rast .
Si Gjithomone me pelqen shume ti fus hundet tek garderoba e mamit
Dhe zgjodha nje fund te gjata me ngjyren e preferuar Emeraldin
Duke i bere disa rregullime te vogla dhe Voilà Shume ne Mode !
Zgjodha nje pale cizme te shkurtra lekure sepse moti eshte shume i paqendrueshem
Dhe pse jo per nje plan te papritur si te gjendesh afer nje lumi .